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Help to give children a future.


Every day, around 3,000 ill babies, girls and boys receive medical care in the Kantha Bopha hospitals. The treatments are free of charge, as a large part of the local population is miserably poor and simply cannot afford medical care. Young and old alike experience a system of justice in the hospitals, as there is no corruption.

The costs in Switzerland for fundraising and administrative expenses amount to only 4 percent of the total funds. 96 percent of your donation therefore directly benefits the children in Cambodia. Thank you very much for your valuable support. You know: Every franc helps to heal, save and prevent.

Would you like to make a larger donation? Do you have any questions about a partnership, an inheritance or a legacy for the Kantha Bopha Hospitals? Our fundraising officer will be happy to advise you.

Dominic C. Frei

Bachelor of Arts UniBS
Dipl. Fundraiser ZHAW


Find our bank details and QR codes for bank transfers here – or conveniently donate directly online.

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